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Nataliya Kosmyna

Project Lead

Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description Nataliya description


Muhammad Usman

Hardware and Firmware development

Muhammad Usman received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Air University, Pakistan, and M.S. in microsystems engineering from the University of Freiburg, Germany. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey. He likes traveling to new places and enjoys experiencing different cultures.

Viktor Makarskyy

software development and design

Viktor is a mobile developer and designer specializing in emerging interfaces. He is interested in productivity applications, memory augmentation, and listening to podcasts.

Yujie Tao

signal processing and machine learning

Yujie is a recent graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill, with a double major in CS and Journalism. She will join the University of Chicago this fall and conduct research in novel wearable devices. She was born and raised in Shanghai, China.

Quixuan (Eileen) Wu

Mixed Reality Application Design

Eileen is a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She majored in CS and Entrepreneurship, and is an incoming Associate Product Manager at Google. She is originally from Guangzhou, China and enjoys making desserts, skiing and traveling.

Cassie Scheirer

Interaction Design and Creative Media

Cassie is an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a minor in Human-Computer Interaction. She is focused on creating interactive media that foster connections between people, their emotions, and our social and scientific realities. In her free time she loves weight lifting and playing electric guitar.

Yujie Wang

software development and design

Yujie is a master's student at MIT with backgrounds in Human-Computer Interaction and Architecture. As an interaction design architect and a creative technologist, he investigates the future of social and technological systems by mediating human and machine perception.

Tahn Nha Ngyuyen

Hardware and mechanical design

Thanh graduated from MIT as a mechanical engineer in 2019. In the fall of 2020, he will continue his study at MIT as a graduate student. He loves to solve problem through a multidisplinary approach. In his freetime, Thanh is a dancer - he practices breaking as much as he can.

Noah Pacik-Nelson

signal processing and machine learning

Noah is a recent CS graduate from University of Connecticut specializing in Data Analytics. He likes skiing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.

Klare Hu

Hardware Design and Development

Klare is an undergraduate at Tufts University majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Economics. She enjoys the cross-disciplinary exploration of tech and human-centered design, as well as rock climbing in her free time.

Nina Cragg

Interaction Design and Hardware

Nina is an undergraduate at USC studying Art, Technology, and the Business of Innovation with a double major in Electrical Engineering. She is interested in creative technology, soft robotics, synthetic biology, and wearables. She likes finding new music, going on outdoor adventures, and exploring the city.

Kevin Feng

Interaction Design and Software Development

Kevin is a CS undergraduate at Princeton also pursuing a minor in visual arts, originally from Victoria, British Columbia. When not writing software or designing, he enjoys photography, cooking, and curating his Spotify playlists.

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